Corporate governance

Board Governance

The Kelda Holdings Board is open and accountable to each of the company’s shareholders and stakeholders for maintaining standards of corporate governance.

Ofwat has set out principles by which it considers that the holding company of a regulated company operating in the water sector in England and Wales should be guided by in relation to its governance (the Ofwat Holding Company Principles). These complement Ofwat’s principles for regulated companies operating in the water sector in England and Wales and are limited to those areas where Ofwat considers that the activities of the holding company could impact on the regulated company’s ability to meet its obligations.

In accordance with the Ofwat Holding Company Principles, the Board adopted its own Board Leadership, Transparency and Governance Code in January 2015 (Kelda Holdings Transparency Code).

Kelda Group Pension Plan

The Kelda Group Pension Plan (“the Plan”) is run by Kelda Group Pension Trustees Limited (the “Trustee”). By law, the Trustee must publish certain pension information on a publicly available, free to access website.

The Statement of Investment Principles is made by the Trustee of the Plan in accordance with the Pensions Act 1995 (as amended) and the Occupational Pensions Schemes (Investment) Regulations 2005:

Kelda Group Pension Plan Statement of Investment Principles 2020 Kelda Group Pension Plan Statement of Investment Principles 2019

The Trustee has also produced a Chair’s Statement (or DC Governance Statement) which sets out important information about the defined contributions benefits in the Plan:

Kelda Group Pension Plan DC Governance Statement October 2020 Kelda Group Pension Plan DC Governance Statement October 2019

From the 1st Sept 2021 Information relating to the Kelda Group Pension Plan can be found on the following website. 

If you need information relating to the Kelda Group Pension Plan, please contact the Trustee via the in-house pension team at